
iPhone owners sue Apple over excess data usage in iOS 9

  This is a  fun event and serious problem when we use phone. iPhone  6s & iPhone 6s Plus their iOS 9 - Wi-Fi Assist can switch your Wi - Fi status (when its signal is weak or spotty) to cellular connection. Do  Apple tell consumers the feature of iOS 9 includes  Wi-Fi Assist and its functions? It arises controversial discussion about this issue. Consumer will not be aware of this switch situation and caused cellular data being using out without notifying. Whereas its debuts is convenient for us or it likes a trap has been set up? This must be a complicated question for us to think.

  The following  news report is from computerworld.com, written by Gregg Keizer.

A Florida couple last week filed suit against Apple in a federal court, claiming that a new feature in iOS 9 caused them to exceed their wireless data cap, filings showed.

The plaintiffs asked a San Jose, Calif. federal judge to make the case a class action lawsuit, which if granted would allow other Americans to join in suing Apple
In a complaint filed Oct. 23, William and Suzanne Phillips charged that Apple did not notify iPhone owners that the upgrade to iOS 9 -- which was released Sept. 16 -- included the Wi-Fi Assist feature. Wi-Fi Assist was designed to switch to a cellular connection if a local Wi-Fi signal was spotty or weak.

Wi-Fi Assist is enabled by default on iOS 9. 

More Detail: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2997573/mobile-wireless/iphone-owners-sue-apple-over-excess-data-usage-in-ios-9.html

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